Wednesday, April 16, 2014

'8 1/2's' Guido Graces the 67th Cannes Film Festival's Golden Poster

 Cannes Film Festival
Introducing the official poster for the 67th Cannes Film Festival. This year's poster art features Guido in his sunglasses from Federico Fellini's classic film  awash in gold and adorned with Cannes text and logos. It's an outstanding poster for one of the best film festivals in the entire world, and we're excited to debut this just ahead of the official line-up later this week. "The way he looks at us above his black glasses draws us right in to a promise of global cinematographic happiness," explains the poster's designer. "The happiness of experiencing the Festival de Cannes together." Indeed. There's nothing like this film festival.
Here's the official poster for Cannes 2014, from Cannes. Designed by Hervé Chigioni and Gilles Frappier.
67th Cannes Film Festival
Federico Fellini's  premiered in Cannes in the official selection in 1963. "In Marcello Mastroianni and Federico Fellini, we celebrate a cinema that is free and open to the world, acknowledging once again the artistic importance of Italian and European cinema through one of its most stellar figures," Cannes states. In his films, Mastroianni encapsulated everything that was most innovative, nonconformist and poetic about cinema. On seeing the poster for the first time, Chiara Mastroianni, his daughter, said: "I am very proud and touched that Cannes has chosen to pay tribute to my father with this poster. I find it very beautiful and modern, with a sweet irony and a classy sense of detachment. It’s really him through and through!" Yes it is.
We'll continue to keep you updated on the 67th Cannes Film Festival, taking place from May 14thto 25th in Cannes, France. To download the full poster artwork or for more info on the fest, visit

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