Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Only Once In A Lifetime..

There will come a time in your life when you will fall madly in love with someone and it will catch you unawares. You will pamper him endlessly and love him with all you have. You will open your heart to show him the endless love you have for him buried there. You will feel butterflies in your stomach when he will look into your eyes and a chill in your spine when he will hold your hand. His hugs will make you feel weak in the knees and you will feel his kisses on your soul. You wont be able to get your eyes off him when will sit with you and you wont be able to keep your mind off him when he is away from you. You will sacrifice everything for him without any regrets and you would want to win the world for him. If you ever feel such love for a man then he is a keeper because love like this happens only ONCE IN A LIFETIME..

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