Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Diet That Proves A Healthy Pregnancy

A healthy diet can helps to get pregnant, to support the development of the fetus to ensure the health and mothers. Optimally, the expectant mothers consume healthy food and healthy living style before conception and during pregnancy experienced by eating rhythm continues. Marking a healthy diet, I mean enough colorful fruits and vegetables, quality protein, grains, and fat. Here, below are the points where I have tried to bring a healthy pregnancy diet.
• In addition to the three main meals are usually appropriate and two snacks, thanks to which mothers can take smaller portions and reduce the risk of feeling after eating.
• Higher intake of energy is usually not a problem to provide and, therefore, does not need to specifically watch.
• Basic relationships between foods can apply to compile the recommendations of the Healthy plates, in which pregnant women can have somewhat larger group of proteins and healthy fats.
• Diet during pregnancy; it is essential to have Proteins for fetal development. In the event of a real need to increase the amount of protein in the diet recommends, for example a glass of good quality plain yogurt, a bowl of nuts or serving lentil soup.
• Dietary fiber is found in most vegetables, natural cereals and legumes, i.e food, which in a healthy diet is certainly one. In the absence of pulp recommend to increase the ratios listed folders and limit simple sugars.
• Enough folic acid to ensure organism sufficient and regular intake of green leafy vegetables, according to current guidelines should be its insured have enough income to any of the supplements for pregnant women. Note that a large part of folic acid is destroyed by boiling. Enough folic acid is vital before conception (also for men).
• During the pregnancy is monitored enough iron in the blood Moms and quite often recommended iron supplement. The best is when a pregnant woman is able to maintain adequate iron levels in the blood only through a healthy diet, possibly using vegetable juices to support hematopoietic, for example nettle elixir.
• Vitamin C does not only immune system also helps to use iron from the diet. It is best, therefore, to eat vegetables with every main meal.
• Under a healthy pregnancy diet Vitamin D is the basis for the formation of bone tissue of the child. The best you will get it regularly exposing skin to the sun.
• During pregnancy increases the need for calcium, so it is usually recommended regular intake of milk. She would rather have preferred soured dairy products, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds. Needed is a regular intake of fermented vegetables containing vitamin K2 necessary for correct orientation of calcium into the bones.
Solving the problems
• In the case of a pregnant woman suffering from constipation, I recommend increasing the proportion of foods high in fiber in the diet, increasing fluid intake and consume less treated dry food (crackers, etc.) The most important is to add more movement. Attention, increasing fiber intake without enough liquid may make the situation even worse.
• Morning sickness can be reduced by more frequent smaller portions of food, usually works well and homeopathic therapies.
• When diarrhea is the best solution to increase the intake of foods containing soluble fiber (pectin), which binds to the fluid. Pectin found in apples, bananas or oatmeal.
• When palpitations should be omitted foods that contain caffeine, and spicy foods.
• Any common health problems in pregnancy recommend especially friendly to deal with homeopathic remedies. In the event of a problem with mood swings recommend you to try aromatherapy, air movement and Bach flower therapy.
What better to limit or completely omit
• I definitely recommend completely omit the alcohol and reduce (or omit) coffee.
• I also recommend omitting any unjustified use of drugs, because many chemicals can cross the placenta into the blood of a child.
• We recommend a maximum limit or completely omit artificial sweeteners and unnecessary additives.
• Higher than recommended amounts of vitamin A are harmful under a diet during pregnancy, therefore not recommended for pregnant eating liver. Intake of carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A) in vegetables and fruits is only beneficial.
• Recommends limiting intake of seafood, which usually contain heavy metals including mercury, two to three servings a week. Among the least desirable fish with high mercury content include mackerel, swordfish and sharks.
• Pregnant women do not recommend uncooked animal foods such as raw prepared pies and the like.

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