Saturday, April 26, 2014

Factors That Bring Us Closer To Success

Given below are some factors that bring us closer to success: 

• High self-esteem. 
• Constancy. 
• Courage and determination. 
• Integrity and honesty. 
• Self-acceptance and acceptance of others. 
• Believing in what you do, regardless of external factors. 
• Responsibility. 
• Dedication, determination and tranquility. 
• Being positive in the face of adversities (negative circumstances). 
• Being consistent with your values. 
• Precision in decisions and choices. 
• Focus. 
• Performing all karmas with love and happiness. 
• Giving the maximum of yourself in everything you do. 
• Creativity. 
• Thoughts and actions in tune with each other. 
• Appreciation and blessings (good wishes) from others. 
• Gratitude toward oneself and others.

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