Wednesday, February 19, 2014


1. Carminative: Cardamom, like ginger, helps counteract digestive problems. Chew it after meals to combat nausea, acidity, bloating, gas, heartburn, loss of appetite and constipation. 
2. Diuretic: Promotes the nephrons to remove waste products like uric acid, urea, amino acid, creatinine, salt, excess water and other wastes from the urinary tract, bladder and kidneys. 
3. Antispasmodic: Helps dispel feeling of vomiting or nausea, hiccups and relief from other involuntary muscle spasms, like stomach and intestinal cramps. 
4. Aphrodisiac: Traditional medicine lists cardamom as a powerful aphrodisiac that can help with erectile dysfunction and impotence. 
5. Immune Booster: Cardamom, being a rich source of Vitamin C, helps in boosting your immune system, thereby preventing you from a number of microbial infections. 
6. Anti-inflammatory: Has inherent properties that cure cold, fever, liver problems, pain, arthritis, bronchitis, and limit pain and swelling especially in mucus membranes, the mouth, and throat. 
7. Potent stimulant: When added to perfumes, it can stimulate various physiological systems, which in turn helps improve the functionality of all body processes. 
8. Antioxidants reservoir. Many of the vitamins, phytonutrients, and essential oils in cardamom act as antioxidants, cleaning up free radicals and resisting cellular aging. 
9. Expectorant. This pungent spice clears the bronchi and lungs of mucus, thereby cleaning the respiratory tract. Helps prevent and relieve symptoms of cold, cough, flu and bronchitis. 
10. Anti-septic: Prevents wounds from septic infections and also assists in the healing of wounds. 
11. Homeostasis agent: Being a rich source of vitamins and minerals, helps maintain homeostasis or a steady state in the body, by sustaining the mechanisms at the cellular and tissue levels. 
12. Anti coagulant– Cardamom prevents dangerous blood clots by preventing platelet aggregation and the sticking to the artery walls. 
13. Fights Anemia: Copper, iron and essential vitamins like riboflavin, vitamin C and niacin, present in Cardamom, are extremely important for the production of Red blood cells and for cellular metabolism. 
14. Fights Pathogens– The volatile essential oils in cardamom inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungus, and mold. 
15. Aroma therapy: A massage with cardamom essential oil helps relieve mental strain, emotional stress and provide instant relief from joint and muscular pain. 
16. Appetizer: Powdered seeds of cardamom spice up your food. Alternatively, you can also chew one or two cloves of cardamom. It will help in increase your appetite. 
17. Rich source of fiber. High fiber content stimulates bowel movements, thereby protecting you from constipation and aids smooth discharge of toxins.
18. Breath freshener. Usually served as a breath freshener after meals in the Middle East and Indian subcontinent and in the treatment of Halitosis. 
19. Depression buster– Ayurveda lists the Antidepressant qualities of cardamom to fight depression. 
20. Oral Care– Not only does it cure bad breath, cardamom is used for treatment of ulcers and infections of the mouth and throat. 
21. Cancer inhibitor– Animal studies are showing promise that cardamom protects against, inhibits growth, and even kills some cancers. 
22. Blood Pressure regulator – As a diuretic and fiber-rich spice, cardamom significantly lowers elevated blood pressure levels. 
23. Asthma Cure: Cardamom is considered to be highly beneficial for asthma patients. It also acts as a natural remedy for whooping cough and bronchitis. 
24. Fair Skin: Cardamom essential oil helps in removing blemishes, thus giving you a fairer complexion. 
25. Skin Allergy Treatment: Black cardamom, because of it anti-bacterial properties, is used as an antiseptic to treat skin allergies. 
26. Lip Care: Cardamom essential oil can be found in lip balms to impart the taste of the oil and make them smooth. 
27. Scalp Nouri

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