Sunday, February 16, 2014

Lesser Known facts about Arnab

Once Rajnikanth taught a baby to talk...that baby was named Arnab Goswami.

Arnab's wife never argues with him as she is afraid of losing.

Most of the self proclaimed evidence papers he waves on his show Newshour are grocery lists written by his wife.

When Arnab Goswami was in school, he used to answer every question with 33 questions.

Arnab Goswami's maid once fainted due to low BP after Goswami questioned her absence from duty .

Once a service manager at a prominent 5-star hotel asked Arnab for feeback on his stay. The manager was released only after Goswami asked him 74 questions.

To calculate the longest Arnab Goswami has ever paused, IIT - Delhi is working on a device that can record time in nanoseconds.

Proposed airport near Times Now studio cancelled as noise from The Newshour could weaken structure.

Bennet & Coleman is proposing to place a mini turbine inside Arnab Goswami's throat, the resultant electricity can power all the Times group buildings in Delhi Area.

Pakistan's former dictator Parvez Musharraf had 5 military interrogators question him non-stop for 34 hours in preparation for his first appearance on Newshour.

If Arnab Goswami had been in Jail with Kasab... the hanging won't happen because Arnab won't let him complete his sentence!!

To commemorate Arnab Goswami's 1000th "Debate", a new all-caps font is being released that seems like it is shouting at you. It will be called the TIMES NOW ROMAN.

From the moon, you can see the Great Wall of China............ and you can hear Arnab Goswami shouting 'The Nation Wants to Know' !!!

Arnab Goswami is fluent in English, but weak in Grammar... he has not mastered the full stop and comma!

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