Thursday, May 29, 2014


40 Healing Vegetables, Nature’s Medicine 
Those choices extend to the foods we choose to put into our body. As we learn more about the environmental and health risks associated with GMOs and processed foods, we’ve gradually added a lot more organic fruits and vegetables to our diet. Recently we’ve been doing more research into the health benefits of certain foods, many of which have been proven to help prevent certain diseases. We decided an overview of these healing vegetables would be perfect for our 100th Go Green Tip, as it spotlights the crucial role nature plays in our general well-being. Hope you enjoy! 

ARTICHOKE- Helps fight Alzheimer’s disease because it is a source for Vitamin K, which limits neuronal damage in the brain. They’ve also been shown to aid digestion and reduce cholesterol. 

CARROTS- Helps improve vision because they are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A in the liver, after which it is transformed (in the retina) to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision. 

LETTUCE- Helps keep your heart healthy because the Vitamin C and beta-carotene work together to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, lessening the buildup of plaque. 

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