Friday, April 18, 2014

Smart Tips to Avoid Post-wedding Weight Gain

Alright, so you are back from your amazing honeymoon, settling in your routine, juggling work and your new family life. But while you enjoy this new phase, you are also hounded by one constant worry- How do I lose all the extra kilos I piled on during the wedding and the honeymoon? At the same time, you are too tired, bored and pre-occupied with other things to hit the gym or get on a strict diet regime, right? Don’t worry! We have some easy, yet smart ways for you to get back in shape sooner than you would imagine. Read on to know how.

Make the transition healthy

The first few weeks post-marriage are like a transition period for you, and it is safe to assume that you would end up eating what your husband or his family eats. Also, there might be a few lunch/dinner invites that you cannot refuse. But, you can always watch your plate for what you are eating- whether it is a mountain of spaghetti or some samosas or unending amounts of halwa. Here is what you can do:
  • As far as possible, serve yourself as much raw salads and fruits as possible. These foods are high in fibre and will keep you feeling full for a longer time than foods like pasta, rice or desserts.
  • Have a bowl of soup on your side and keep sipping from time to time. Also, keep having water to feel full sooner.
  • Serve yourself smaller portions.
  • In case you like a particular food item, try stopping yourself at just a bite or two.

    Plan for healthy dates

    During and after your marriage, we are sure you attended a lot of parties where you were made to gorge on the unhealthiest, sugar-soaked and deep-fried foods. You both might even have overindulged yourselves with romantic dinner dates and numerous eat-outs. So much so, that you are now used to these outings, right? So, what can be done about it? Well, how about making these dates healthy, yet fun? Well, there can definitely still be your good old romantic dinner dates, but save one or (not more than) two days for them in a month. These can be like rewards for you being strict with your diet and fitness regime on all the other days. Or, how about shifting elaborate dinner dates to smaller, but fun coffee dates? You will be spending more time together while working out, remember?

    Balance the “us” time

    Can’t keep your eyes off your husband? Can’t leave the bed too early in the morning because he wants you to roll in for some morning shower of love? Well, if you are nodding, we would say you need to balance your time well. Enjoying all the intimate moments surely makes for an important part of a newlywed’s life, but that definitely cannot take every minute of the day! Why not ask him to join you for an early morning or late evening jog in a park nearby? It will not only get you both active, but also be a fun and healthy way to spend more time together. Soon you both will be looking forward to these jogs and brisk walks! 
    Simply join yoga or dance classes together. There are numerous dance forms that will bring you both even closer! If not that, you both can save some time every alternate days for a fun cycle ride in the park. On your way back home, you can stop for a tall glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice.

    Cook healthy meals together

    This can be the most romantic activity for any married couple. Of course not every single day, because probably your busy schedules would not allow it. Surf through the Internet or some health cook books, and make a list of recipes that you find most exciting. Talk about this idea with your husband, and we are sure he will be more than excited to spend some fun time with you in the kitchen. This way you can both experiment with healthy foods, and while doing so, you will start understanding “what is healthy and what is not”, before even realising it. This will help build healthier foods habits for the both of you and you will be watchful of your calorie consumption in no time!
    It does get difficult when you are just married, and when it is all about celebration, intimacy and getting pampered. But this is the time that you can use to set the tone of the new life, for yourself and your new family too. Believe it or not, losing weight will become much easier if you start right now!

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