Monday, April 28, 2014

Health & Safety Stress Questionaire

Stress is not a new issue.
However, in recent years
it has become more
apparent. It can be
defined as
‘environmental factors
which exert undue strain
or pressure on a person’
and can be caused by
numerous factors either
at home or in the
Stress from any source may affect an
employee’s health and their performance
at work.
Causes of workplace stress can be
associated with a wide range of factors. The
nature of the job or some aspects of the job
may be potentially stressful. For example,
there may be contact with members of the
public whose behaviour can be
unpredictable, may be even abusive or
violent. This is especially relevant to Usdaw
members working in the retail trade with
violent incidents in this sector becoming an
increasingly serious problem.
Other jobs by their very nature are
dangerous with potential exposure to
chemical, biological and physical hazards
which can cause both short and long term
health problems. Boring, repetitive and
monotonous tasks can also be stressful.
Other factors to consider are working hours
and workload. Some people may be required
to work shifts, unsocial or excessive hours,
whilst others feel they simply cannot meet
targets they see as unrealistic. Many
employees experience stress because they
are unable to partake in any decision making
in relation to their own job, thus feeling that
they have no control at all over their destiny
at work.
The working environment may contain a
minefield of potential stressors; badly
designed workstations; inadequate or
inappropriate heating, ventilation or
lighting; inadequate holidays; long hours,
even performance-related pay can be major
sources of stress.
Each individual responds differently to the
varying levels of pressure to which they are
exposed, but when the pressure becomes
excessive for the individual, it can result in
physical symptoms. These symptoms vary
enormously from one person to another in
both frequency and severity; a headache
after too many hours spent at a VDU screen
at one extreme to stomach disorders, eg
ulcers and even heart disease at the other.
Other symptoms may include:
muscle tension
This in turn may lead to increased
absenteeism, impaired work-performance
and a possible increase in workplace
It is clear that for the benefit of both
employee and employer, a systematic
approach to occupational health and stress
management should exist.
If you wish to help identify stressors at your
workplace, we have drafted a model
questionnaire which you can circulate to
members which may help. You may want to
draft your own questionnaire which asks
more specific questions about your
We recommend that you ask members to
complete the questionnaire anonymously
thus ensuring complete confidentiality.
Once you have analysed the completed
questionnaires, you should be able to
identify any important cause of stress in your
working environment. If you feel that there is
a stress problem, it should then be raised
with management through normal company
For further copies of this Health and Safety
Advice Sheet contact your Area Organiser at
your local Usdaw Office.
Confidential Questionnaire
Stress Survey
Please the appropriate box.
1. Do you ever suf fer from any of the following?
Never Sometimes Often
Chest pain/palpitations
Indigestion or nausea
Stomach disorders
Inability to concentrate
Health andSafety Stress Questionnaire
2. Do any of the following cause problems for you at work?
Never Sometimes Often
Poor/inadequate lighting
Excessive heat
Excessive cold
Poor ventilation
Dust or fumes
Poor maintenance of equipment
3. Do you find any of the following cause problems?
Never Sometimes Often
Inadequate breaktimes/mealtimes
Unsocial hours
Very heavy workload
Unfair distribution of work
Repetitive/boring work
Never Sometimes Often
Meeting deadlines
Job insecurity, eg threat of redundancy
Poor supervision
Under-utilisation of skills
4. Regarding working relationships, do any of the following cause you
Never Sometimes Often
Poor relations with supervisor
Poor relations with workmates
Harassment and/or discrimination
Impersonal treatment
Lack of communication from management
Working with the public
5. How much control do you feel you have over your job? Do you feel:
Never Sometimes Often
You are able to plan your own work
You can participate in decision making
for your own job
You have some control over the pace/
content of your work
You have no control at all
6. Do you feel you:
Never Sometimes Often
Are underpaid
Are undervalued
Receive appreciation for good work
7. How do you feel about your job in general? ( one)
I am completely happy and enjoy my job
I sometimes feel dissatisfied but generally enjoy my job
Most of the time I do not enjoy my work
I have no interest at all in my work
8. If you feel you are under stress, please tick which you feel is the main
contributory factor:
Problems at work
Problems at home
9. Please list below what you feel are:
(a) The main causes of stress in your job
(b) The effects that these have on other workers and yourself
(c) The steps you think could be taken to ease the situation
Health andSafety Stress Questionnaire

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